1. Being a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is EASIER
today than ever.
Here’s why:
- The Sabbath is now widely recognized as part of the
weekend, allowing most Adventists to observe it without work-related conflicts.
- Freedom of religion is legally protected and generally
respected, enabling Adventists to worship and practice their faith openly.
- Adventist media is available 24/7 across multiple
platforms, making spiritual resources more accessible and shareable than ever.
- “Blue Zones” and “New Start” concepts related to lifestyle
favoring health and longevity are widely recognized as one of the trademarks of
- The Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy books can be found everywhere - at Adventist Book Centers, on Amazon, or even for free online.
2. Being a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is
more CHALLENGING today than ever.
Here’s why:
- Biblical illiteracy and secularism - fewer people
reading the Scripture, or capable of understand prophetical symbols and charts.
- Despite overwhelming evidence of the Church’s biblical
foundation, the unfair and embarrassing label of “cult” persists in some
- A segment of the Church membership remains uninvolved,
withholding their talents, energy, and tithe-offerings from the mission.
- Some former members have taken to online platforms, turning personal grievances - such as a difficult divorce or unmet expectations - into attacks on the Church, often for the sake of more likes on social media or YouTube videos .02 cents per click.
3. Being a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is
more EXCITING today than ever.
Here’s why:
- Every believer has unprecedented opportunities to share
the Gospel using diverse resources - pamphlets, magazines, books, apps, social
media, and one-on-one or small group Bible studies.
- The Adventist prophetical understanding of the Great
Controversy, the war between Christ and Satan, is presented with more clarity
than ever before.
- An amazing plethora of theologians and preachers,
supported by local churches as well as Adventist institutions – schools,
universities, hospitals, publishing organizations and missionaries -
communicating the same message everywhere in the world
- The prophetic events outlined in the Three Angels’ Messages
of Revelation 13 and 14 are unfolding before our eyes in real time.
- Above all, the blessed hope: Jesus is coming soon.
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