Monday, February 17, 2025

Sabbath Worship Like Super Bowl


A recent survey found that 26% of Americans believe God will influence the outcome of the Super Bowl. Think about the immense preparation, the financial investment, and the excitement surrounding this one game - it’s staggering!

But here’s the real challenge: What if we treated every Sabbath like Super Bowl event?

- Wake up on Sabbath morning with the same excitement for the team you’ve joined—God’s team!

- Wear your "jersey" with pride—whether that’s a smile, a kind word, or even a shirt that proclaims your faith.

- Don’t be ashamed to represent! Put “Jesus is Coming Soon” or “Keep the 7th-Day Sabbath” on your car and let the world know where you stand.

- Invite others to experience the ultimate play-by-play at your church and then continue the fellowship over Sabbath lunch.

- Post about your Undefeated Coach - the One who has never lost a battle - on social media.

- Instead of debating bad calls from the refs, share the blessing of life that God gave you this morning with your coworkers.

Every Sabbath is a celebration of victory! God is calling the plays, guiding you through challenges, and surrounding you with a team to block the enemy’s attacks. Even when you get tackled by trials, He gives you another chance to regroup and press on.

PS. Add also the Valentine’s steadfast tenderness. 

Sabbath Holiness + Sabbath Eagerness + Sabbath Tenderness => Sabbath blessedness.

Monday, February 10, 2025

More Easier, More Difficult, More Exciting Than Ever


1. Being a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is EASIER today than ever.

Here’s why:

- The Sabbath is now widely recognized as part of the weekend, allowing most Adventists to observe it without work-related conflicts.

- Freedom of religion is legally protected and generally respected, enabling Adventists to worship and practice their faith openly.

- Adventist media is available 24/7 across multiple platforms, making spiritual resources more accessible and shareable than ever.

- “Blue Zones” and “New Start” concepts related to lifestyle favoring health and longevity are widely recognized as one of the trademarks of Adventism

- The Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy books can be found everywhere - at Adventist Book Centers, on Amazon, or even for free online.

2. Being a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is more CHALLENGING today than ever.

Here’s why:

- Biblical illiteracy and secularism - fewer people reading the Scripture, or capable of understand prophetical symbols and charts.

- Despite overwhelming evidence of the Church’s biblical foundation, the unfair and embarrassing label of “cult” persists in some circles.

- A segment of the Church membership remains uninvolved, withholding their talents, energy, and tithe-offerings from the mission.

- Some former members have taken to online platforms, turning personal grievances - such as a difficult divorce or unmet expectations - into attacks on the Church, often for the sake of more likes on social media or YouTube videos .02 cents per click.

3. Being a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is more EXCITING today than ever.

Here’s why:

- Every believer has unprecedented opportunities to share the Gospel using diverse resources - pamphlets, magazines, books, apps, social media, and one-on-one or small group Bible studies.

- The Adventist prophetical understanding of the Great Controversy, the war between Christ and Satan, is presented with more clarity than ever before.

- An amazing plethora of theologians and preachers, supported by local churches as well as Adventist institutions – schools, universities, hospitals, publishing organizations and missionaries - communicating the same message everywhere in the world

- The prophetic events outlined in the Three Angels’ Messages of Revelation 13 and 14 are unfolding before our eyes in real time.

- Above all, the blessed hope: Jesus is coming soon.



Sabbath Worship Like Super Bowl

  A recent survey found that 26% of Americans believe God will influence the outcome of the Super Bowl. Think about the immense preparatio...