Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Post Post-Modern Religion


 …and the Postmodern Preacher begin preaching and saying, He nailed it to his cross”.

And then he stops there.

And the Postmodern Preacher says, “You just heard the Word, now you are free from the burden of the law”.

And the Postmodern Christian went home.


And then the Postmodern Christian calls his Postmodern Preacher from the jail saying, "Help me Preacher, help me, I'm in jail!"

And the Postmodern Preacher asks, "Why are you in jail?" 

And the Postmodern Christian declares, "I'm a thief, free from the burden of the law as you said, but here." 

And the Postmodern Preacher says, "That's OK, Jesus loves you!" 

And the Postmodern Christians replies, "Thank you Preacher... I feel so much better." 


And the Postmodern Christian calls the Preacher again saying: "Hey Preacher, I'm still in jail." 

And the Postmodern Preacher says, "That's OK... you are not under the law, but under grace." 

And the Postmodern Christians replies, "Oh yeah, thank you Preacher... Halleluiah!" 


And the Postmodern Christian calls the Preacher a third time saying, "Hey Preacher, I'm still in jail." 

And the Postmodern Preacher declares, "That's OK... you know, there is no condemnation for those who are in Jesus."

And the Postmodern Christians replies, "WOW!  Preacher... you are wonderful!  I'm gonna tell all my prison-mates to come to your church."


PS. Do you see something wrong about this dialogue? Write your answer here: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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