Sunday, May 23, 2021

Preaching to the Toes


I grew up in a context where the preacher was expected to “step on toes.” If you didn’t step on toes, you weren’t really preaching. However, I started to understand that stepping on toes was nothing more than behavior modification.

I found that it was easy, sometimes sinful, to step on toes - it allowed the preacher to get away with bitterness and anger towards his people because, after all, they needed their toes stepped on. So, preaching this way is became kind of a weekly scolding instead of a time of worship.

The results were distressing. Instead of addressing sin at the heart level and seeing true Spirit-empowered transformation, the outcome was a works-based outlook that resulted in people saying “I will try harder” or “I need to do better.” I think we need to stop “stepping on toes” and start addressing hearts. If I step on your toes when I preach without presenting Christ and Him crucified, I have aimed too low.

I must preach to the heart, not the toes. God looks beyond external behaviors and sees the internal condition of our hearts. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Mat. 6:21). When the heart finds Christ as its greatest treasure, the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors will soon be captured.

Yes, some are guilty of aiming for the toes just to see certain behaviors change, but others are guilty of aiming at the head only. Sermons should be filled with proper exegesis, doctrine, and truth. Yet, to have one’s head filled with facts does not equate to a love for Christ. And to have people adhere to a few moral standards does not either.

Only when the entire body is considered, from head to toes and especially the HEART, do people find Christ more glorious, satisfying, and beautiful than whatever else they are grasping onto.

So, when “preaching” using acts of service as well as words - from the pulpit, from our homes, work-place, school, gas station, grocery store,  etc. - stop stepping on toes. Start addressing to hearts.

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