Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Train Up vs Train Down


Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Prov.22:6.

If our children see us putting other things ahead of God, they will become discouraged and disillusioned, like a young Jewish boy, Karl, who once lived in Germany.

Karl’s father was a successful retailer, and the family practiced their Jewish faith. But then they moved to another city, and the boy’s father announced that they would no longer attend synagogue, no more Sabbath keeping. They were going to join the Lutheran church.

The boy was very surprised and asked his father why the family was joining the Lutheran church. His father’s answer was something like, “For business reasons. There are so many Lutherans in this town that I can make good business contacts at the Lutheran church. It will be good for business.”

That boy, who had a deep interest in religion, became so disillusioned with his father that something died within him. He said to himself, ‘My father has no real convictions.” The incident helped to turn him against religion with a vengeance. That young boy was Karl Marx. He wrote the “Communist Manifesto,” in which he called religion “the opiate of the masses.” His ideas were pushed by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung and other communist dictators brining misery and death to millions of people. 

I wonder if world’s modern history would have been different had Karl Marx’s father hadn’t put other things ahead of God.

Our children and grandchildren know whether we love God with all our heart. They see it with every decision we make that minimizes God in favor of another gods. What they want to see is parents with such love and reverence for God that they bring Him into every area of their lives and put Him first in everything.

And by extension, this is not only what our families are looking for, but our neighbors, friends, coworkers… this is what people want to see when they are observing the life of a GC - Genuine Christian.

Are you a GC or a F(ake)C?  

Monday, February 5, 2024

My Lazarus


If you will, you can make me clean. (Mark 1:40) I hear my own heart in the words of this desperate leper. He knows that God can do anything, but He isn’t sure that He wants to. Jesus’ ability isn’t up for debate, but apparently His heart is. Is this true?

It’s likely years of shame which has this leper questioning whether Jesus would want to heal him. This leper knows that Jesus can heal him, but why would he want to? Not this is the line I love, v:41: Then Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed”

Jesus is moved with compassion and then He does the unthinkable…He touches the leper. And rather than Jesus getting leprosy and becoming unclean He heals the leper. That’s good gospel stuff right there. It doesn’t matter how much shame or darkness or dirtiness or brokenness you have, when you call Jesus, He is going to answer to you.

But then I think of Martha.“Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”

She, like the leper, isn’t questioning Jesus’ ability. She’s not even questioning His heart. If Jesus had been here, then He would have made sure Lazarus didn’t die. What she is questioning is Jesus’ timing, the goodness of God’s planning.

And that leads to where I occasionally wrestle with. I know that God is able. I know for a fact that He loves me, I’ve got story after story from my own life.

But what if His love means that Lazarus still dies? What if for the glory of God my Lazarus dies?

He is still good. He still loves me. He still is doing everything that is ultimately best for me. But it’s not what I would have chosen. Will I trust Him then? This is where those who question God’s existence get really frustrated with us.

We say God miraculously heals someone. We see the hand of God in someone’s cancer going into remission. We attribute this to God instead of medical science. Point for Team-Jesus.

Then when God doesn’t heal someone… we continue to believe that God is good and does us good. We say things like “He has a better plan” or “He decided to heal in His time”.

If God could heal someone, if God loves us, then why in the world would He not always heal? And if he doesn’t always heal doesn’t it mean that either He doesn’t exist or He isn’t good? Not at all! Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”

It just means - the story isn’t over.


Sabbath Worship Like Super Bowl

  A recent survey found that 26% of Americans believe God will influence the outcome of the Super Bowl. Think about the immense preparatio...