Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Help Is On the Way, Hope Is the Only Way


1. I remember that day, 9/11. It was chaos. Violence, shortage of food. For several days, it was uncertain if they would be more attacks, what kind, nukes? Chemical scare with a dangerous powder being sent in sealed letters to members of Congress and key leaders. Lines to buy gasoline and food, mosques targeted, Dow Jones losing half of the value… and nobody knew for how long or if we will ever recover.

I remember how bad I wanted that someone I trust, a pastor or a father figure, to appear on TV and look into the camera, smiling, to reassure all of us that everything is going to be all right. I didn’t want all the instructions and advices given by professionals of how to be safe if case of more terrorist attacks or riots.

All I wanted was someone, a charismatic figure, a FDR, someone looking like Roosevelt – what a great communicator – to show up and say – dear friends, be calm, in less than a month everything is going to be great. Just don’t panic and don’t assume the worse… We have nothing to fear except fear itself.

2. I remember the stock market crash of 2008, people panicked, confused and scared. All that prosperity, all that market buzz of more profit, buy, buy, buy, was a bubble that suddenly did burst spectacular. Maybe this is not a good word. Anyways, evictions, foreclosures, unemployment, panic.

I remember how bad I wanted that someone I trust, a pastor or a father figure to appear on TV and looking into the camera, smiling, to reassure me, to reassure all of us, that everything is going to be OK. I didn’t want all the instructions and advice given by professionals of how to stay safe in case of a shooting or riots.  

All I wanted was someone, a charismatic figure, a kind of Ronald Reagan – what a great communicator – to show up and say – dear friends, be calm, in short time everything is going to be all right. Just don’t panic and don’t assume the worse…

3. Now today our governor announced tougher measures in order to keep the coronavirus scare under control. Shortage of masks and gloves, zero toilet paper, even some foods not available like before. And people got tense. They’ve lost their smile, their patience, they’ve lost the hope that we will ever get out from this healthcare nightmare and economy collapse. They are turning to politicians only to hear statistics. They are turning to preachers only to hear clichés. And they panic.

I want so bad to watch on prime time TV a charismatic figure, a kind of Mister Rogers – what a great communicator – smiling while saying something I heard him say before, “dear friends, when I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.

1 Look for helpers. 2 Be a helper, yes. 3 Remember also that help is on the way, Christ is going to get us saved, out of this sin-quarantined place. Help is on the way; hope is the only way.  

Friday, March 20, 2020

I Am Not Legend

People are home because of the pandemic, watching movies about... guess what? Virus outbreaks, epidemics, pandemics... This way they are programmed to act like what they are watching, no question about.
Hollywood programmed for the last several years its worshipers with a tremendous power of suggestion in order to get them used to an idea or possible scenario.
Then actually stepping back to watch people acting accordingly, to translate that scenario in real life. The scenario is always the same, with little variations, has 3 points:

1- ignoring the threat
2- mass hysteria, scenes of horror
3- a changed world after total destruction
However, this apocalyptic scenario stolen from the Bible eschatology is wrong. God's plan of saving His people should get our attention, it must be our focus especially now.
So this weekend do not let the Hollywood inflict more anxiety and fear. Read your Bible. Follow its stories of grace and salvation. Enjoy its happy-ending: Revelation 22 - the total eradication of sin-virus, a new heaven and a new earth.
PS.Here are 3 movie trailers popular now:
"Last Days" https://youtu.be/-I7SduGdEUo
"Outbreak" https://youtu.be/Y5povsMKfT4
"I Am Legend" https://youtu.be/ewpYq9rgg3w

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Ponder this

It's not what we eat but what we digest that makes us strong.
It's not what we gain but what we save that makes us rich.
It's not what we read but what we remember that makes us learned.
It's not what we profess but what we practice that gives us integrity.
It's not what we think how worthless we are but how much Christ paid for our salvation.

Friday, March 13, 2020


The Coronavirus ordeal:

- Is going to change the world more radical than a World War.
- Is going to inflict more financial damage and emotional anxiety than 9/11.
- Is going to reveal the fragility of our earthly prosperity built on technology, trade and consumerism
- Is going to show that what was seen as another religious conspiracy theory, something that will never happen in our modern society - a worldwide shutdown – is now ready to become the norm as a desperate effort to control a crisis. “No one may buy or sell except one who has the mark…” (Rev 13:17).
- Is this one going to be the last one? I don’t know. What I do know is how unprepared we are to face a crisis and how motivated we should be to share the Good News about the Omega point of the history of salvation, the 2nd coming of Jesus.

Christians must share this hope now more than ever before to a world who is still dreaming of a Hollywood scenario where superheroes are saving the planet one more time.

Maybe not this time. Christ only have this prerogative.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Coronavirus in 3 PPPoints

The viral fear of virus may be worse than the virus itself. I’ll like to “score” three pastoral points about this issue.

1. We must be PRACTICAL. The health professionals I heard talking about the coronavirus pretty much say the same thing – prevention. Wash your hands a lot, use soap, take your time, don't touch your face with your hands, etc. Wearing a mask is not helpful unless you're actually sick. This is a time when the Health Reform that many Adventists did not carefully treasured, it’s paying its dividends. A plant-base diet combined with daily exercise builds a stronger immune system. One apple per day (add fresh greens, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts…) keeps the coronavirus away.

2. We must be PRAYERFUL, praying for people fighting the illness, praying for our families, for our neighbors and coworkers, for our church, for our nation. Do not let the fear of contamination take over the need of worshiping and praying together. The Lord can put a shield around us as a response to our prayers. Come to church, let’s worship and pray together, let’s encourage one other to aim for that day when the sin-virus is going to be eradicate once forever.  

3. We must PROCLAIM Jesus’ soon return, using the bad news around the virus’ panic as an opportunity to talk to people about the Good News. There are people freaking out around us and here's the thing – the Bible tells us in Philip 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

The apocalyptic scenario in whichpeople fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world” (Luke 21:26) that the Adventist evangelists for many years warned about it will happen as a sign of the end, is right here. Is more than same old fake news/ fear tactics - is like a sermon for all of us to really understanding the times we live in…

The followers of Christ who live for now down here, in this broken world, are fragile and vulnerable as everyone else, but on the other hand they are indestructible until God is done with them. 

I don’t know about you, but I don't want to walk around living in fear; I’m striving to live in faith. Isn’t that something you want also?

Sabbath Worship Like Super Bowl

  A recent survey found that 26% of Americans believe God will influence the outcome of the Super Bowl. Think about the immense preparatio...